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Windows 7 services is the problem for the perfomance issues in swtor's warzones

I have a three years pc with these specs cpu: amd athlon II 6000+ ram: 4 gb kingston gpu: nvidia 9800 gtx Until today i  had horrible perfomance and unplayable situations in warzones even in very low settings !!!!!  ( very low fps , lost frames and not smooth game = spikes ) . I log out and i started searching in the internets for a new setup ( cpu, ram, video card ) and i started with the cpu and i googled for amd fusion apu ( the new cpu with gpu inside the cpu from amd ) .  Google returned many results and a link for fusion utility for desktops .... this utility said that it gives some perfomance in games ... i installed it and .... WHAT A BLAST  !!!  FINALLY I CAN PLAY SMOOTH INSIDE THE WARZONES EVEN WITH SHADOWS , BLOOM ENABLED AND HIGH TEXTURES  ( MEDIUM SETTINGS ) and I HAVE  25 ~ 30 FPS INSIDE WARZONES  !!!! i installed this program and i made only two settings  a) Windows -> High perfomance | and activate  b) AMD -> Gaming...

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